Why I Read (in case you need a reason)

Sometimes I get to thinking about reading. And me. And really, why do I read so much? And, why does that sometimes make me feel silly? For example, when someone asks me about my hobbies, I uh, list some more socially-acceptable ones like “cooking, hiking . . . ” and then tag on “and reading” at the end. If I were being completely honest, I should list reading at the beginning.

I think some of it has to do with comments I often hear – “Oh, I like reading, but I just can’t seem to find the time.” Hmm. I think that makes me feel like only lame, un-busy people read. Ha. I read. And I make time for it. If I don’t give myself sufficient reading time over a long period of time, I get grouchy.

I read because I want to relax.


Be by myself, but be around characters and people and new places and new thoughts.

Learn something.

Hear someone’s story.

Put my life into the broader picture.


A lot of my reading right now has to do with reading the same 5 board books over and over and over again to my little boy.

Josiah does a lot of reading too. (This is how I caught them a couple of months ago when Josiah was supposed to be putting David in bed.)






Why nourishing?

When I think of the word nourishing,  I think of something that is nutritious and good for you.  I love reading good books just as much as I enjoy eating good food; I have discovered that for me personally, a healthy diet of books feeds my mind and heart. Some people eat an apple a day for health, I read a book every couple of days for health.

On this blog I will try to share books that have been good for me to read – whether because they were encouraging, thought-provoking, or changed my life and perspective in some way. I am a Christian, so some of the books will feed my faith in a more overtly “Christian” way, and other books will not include the faith component. I enjoy reading a wide variety of books, so I will not limit this blog in that regard.

If for some reason, you read some of the books that I feature, and you cannot stand them, or you have a completely different opinion than me, by all means share your opinion courteously! I look forward to your feedback.

And now, because of my love and interest in food, (and to continue to work through the tutorial that is teaching me how to make posts), here is a video to watch on Nourishing Traditions. This is a recent interest of mine and Susan Godfrey did a good job of explaining.


What is nourishing reads?

I’m starting this blog for multiple reasons, but most importantly, because I love to read. People frequently ask me for book recommendations, so I believe that this can be a way to track what I read (I’m forgetful!) and give my personal comments. I also enjoy learning new things and I see blogging as a new, fun thing for me to figure out.  I’ll share more about my blog title later.

I also enjoy using Goodreads as I way to track my reading and find new books. You can also find what your friends are reading. I find it kinda fun.

My son D also loves books. This makes me happy. Photo of me reading to my one-year-old