Yes, I’m embarrassed that it took me that long to read a book.
This was obviously not a quick read, but I’m still posting about it because I value the content.I have been forcing myself to finish reading all the books on my shelves and I am so glad that I re-discovered this book.
Dallas Willard is a theologian and scholar, but don’t be frightened away. The book is readable, but it is the type of book that I can’t read while David is awake. I’m considering getting another of Willard’s books –The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives
but I will focus on this book today:
The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God
This book looks at how to live with Christ in the here and now, and how Jesus’ life and teachings are not just about giving us life in heaven after we die, but showing us how to live with God NOW.
I just finished the chapter entitled “On Being a Disciple, or Student, of Jesus.” So good. I can’t believe it took me this long to get around to reading this book. I found myself underlining phrases, sentences, and even paragraphs, and hoping that David would take a long nap!
Here are some direct quotations for you to chew on:
A disciple is “simply someone who has decided to be with another person, under appropriate conditions, in order to become capable of doing what that person does or to become what that person is.” (p. 282)
“As long as one thinks anything may really be more valuable than fellowship with Jesus in his kingdom, one cannot learn from him.” p. 293
Ouch, Lord, this is challenging to read. Help me to BE with you more – to recognize you around me, and to be ravished by the treasure that you are. You are of greatest value – help me to orient my life with that perspective.